I International Congress “Women, Technology & Power” PROGRAM
17:30-19:00 Core Meeting: Pre-event (only with invitation) Room Number 227, Edificio Arrupe
08:30-09:30 Registration:, Eificio Larramendi (external corridor)
09:30-10:10 Inauguration: Loiola Centrum (Access is via the ramp in front of the registry)
- Xabier Riezu, Chancelor, University of Deusto
- Aina Calvo Sastre, Secretary of State for Equality and for the Eradication of Violence against Women, Spanish Government
- Miren Elgarresta, Emakunde Director, Basque Government
10:10- 11:00 keynote speaker
- Catherine D’Ignazio (The Massachusetts Institute of Technology), keynote speaker
- Pilar Rodriguez (mod.)
11:00.11:30 Coffee Break: Caffeteria
11:30-13:30 PANEL 1: Intersectional Feminism & Platform Work (code IFPW): Loiola Centrum
Mayo Fuster (Harvard University, keynote) & Silvia Semenzi (Complutense University of Madrid, mod.)
- Carolina Ferro, University of Salamanca, Spain
- Daniela Horta, King’s College London, UK
- Pınar Apaydın and Özge Subaşı, Koç University, İstanbul, Turkey
- Sonia Ruiz, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
13:30-15:30 Lunch: Edicifio D. Aranzadi (restaurant on the top floor; present your voucher)
15:30-17:30 PANEL 2: Data Platforms & Infrastructures (code DPI): Loiola Centrum
Sasha Constanza Chock (Associate Professor at Northeastern University’s College of Arts, Media, & Design and Faculty Associate with the Berkman-Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University) & Diego Casado (University of Deusto, mod.)
- Ane Arruabarrena, GuLink, Spain
- Bresena Kopliku, University of Shkodra, Albania
- Ainhoa Izaguirre, University of Deusto, Spain
- Shang Gao, Örebro University, Sweden
08:00-08:30 Registration: Edificio Larramendi (external corridor)
8:30-09:30 Keynote: Stefania Milan (University of Amsterdam): Loiola Centrum
- Welcome back: Vice Chancelor/Miren Gutierrez, University of Deusto
- Stefania Milan (University of Amsterdam), keynote speaker
09:30-11:30 PANEL 3: Deconstructing Toxic Masculinity (code DTM): Loiola Centrum
Elisa García Mingo (Complutense University of Madrid, keynote) & Diego Alvarez (Polytechnic University of Valencia, mod.)
- Flavia Saxler, University of Cambridge, UK
- Ainhoa Izaguirre, University of Deusto, Spain
- Silvia Semenzin, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
11:30-12:00 Coffee Break: Caffeteria
12:00-14:00 PANEL 4: Surveillance & Online Disinformation (code SOD): Loiola Centrum
Maria Lozano (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC, keynote) Pilar Rodriguez (University of Deusto, mod.). Panelists:
- Anita Fuentes, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
- Graciela Padilla Castillo, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
- Sara Esposito, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Italy
- Tamara Roma, University of Palermo, Italy
- María Silvestre, University of Deusto, Spain
14:00-16:00 Lunch: Edicifio D. Aranzadi (restaurant on the top floor)
16:00-18:00 PANEL 5: Data Literacy (code DL): Loiola Centrum
Guiomar Rovira (University of Girona, keynote) & María Jesús Pando (University of Deusto, mod.). Panelists:
- Ana Vidu, University of Deusto, Spain
- Jaclyn Hovsmith, Netlight, Germany
- María López-Belloso, University of Deusto, Spain
- Miren Berasategui, University of Deusto, Spain
- Teresa Hernandez Martin, Women TechEU, Spain
18:00-18:15 Closing ceremony: Loiola Centrum
20:30-22:00 Gala dinner, Labe, Tabakalera. The gala dinner requires a separate registration.
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