Thematic focus & discussions
San Sebastián-Donostia, Spain
June 17-18-19, 2024
The congress is articulated around four thematic areas or panels, headed by a keynote speaker who sets the agenda with a thought-provoking short presentation. The panels include the following topics: Panel 1: Intersectional feminism & platform work; Panel 2: Surveillance & online disinformation; Panel 3: Data platforms & infrastructures; Panel 4: Deconstructing toxic masculinity: Media frames, gender realities, and feminist perspectives and Panel 5: Data Literacy. Panel moderators are responsible for ensuring participation from the floor and facilitating multidisciplinary dialogue.
Although panelists are selected via a call for papers, this is not the typical congress where scholars are asked to present their work. There will be no presentations except for those of the keynote speakers. As a panelist, you can engage in a dynamic discussion with fellow experts in the field. The format involves responding to inspiring questions posed by a moderator, debating with fellow panelists, and sharing insights from your investigations on each panel topic. Additionally, we encourage you to propose new lines of work and potential areas for advancement within the field. The results will be collected to contribute to research, projects and networks.
If you wish to participate, send your abstract to antifeminstresistances@gmail.com (see more details about submissions below).
Panel 1: Intersectional feminism & platform work
Keynote speaker: Mayo Fuster Morell, Berkman Klein center for Internet and Society, Harvard University
Moderator: Silvia Semenzi, Complutense University of Madrid
- Postcolonialism and intersectional feminism in technology
- Alternative feminist narratives in tech
- Design biases
- Feminist digitalization, datafication, and plaformization
The panel explores the multifaceted relationship between technology and feminist perspectives, through the specific context of platform economy and platform work, delving into postcolonialism, intersectional feminism, interdisciplinary and the need for alternative narratives in tech. The discussion also addresses design biases and the implications of feminist digitalization, datafication, and platformization. The panelists will draw on critical feminist positions to examine the existing power differentials and structural inequalities within the platform economy technology landscape, with a focus on promoting justice, equity, and care in technological decision-making. Concretely, the panel will examine how postcolonial and intersectional feminist frameworks can offer new insights into the ways digital platform technology and models design is developed, deployed, and experienced; explore challenging dominant perspectives and how the voices of those marginalized or excluded from tech development and discourse appear; address the presence of design biases in technology and economic models, and their impact on different social groups.
Panel 2: Data platforms & infrastructures
Keynote speaker: Sasha Constanza Chock, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Moderator: Diego Casado Mansilla, University of Deusto
- A feminist look at data platforms, tech design, and infrastructures
- Femtech and femapps
- Women in digital tech
- Data literacy for equality, participation, and empowerment
As a panelist, you will be able to engage in a thought-provoking discussion centered around the challenges and opportunities within digital platforms and infrastructures from a feminist lens. A feminist perspective on data platforms, tech design, and infrastructure involves examining these areas through the lens of gender equality, empowerment, and social justice. It challenges existing power structures and advocates for inclusive and ethical technological development. Some critical aspects of this perspective include feminist design and epistemic approaches, emphasizing the importance of feminist ways of knowing; a critical exploration of Big Tech, highlighting the need to challenge political and structural power inequalities within the technology industry; and the possibility of governable spaces that are diverse, accountable, and shaped by the people, reflecting the insights and experiences of feminist traditions. In the context of Femtech, femapps, women in digital tech, and data literacy, a feminist perspective involves addressing the challenges and barriers women face, exploring inclusive design and technology as a site of social and political struggle.
Panel 3: Deconstructing Toxic Masculinity: Media Frames, Gender Realities, & Feminist Perspectives
Keynote speaker: Elisa García Mingo, Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid
Moderator: Diego Alvarez, Polytechnic University of Valencia
- Online sexualization and discrimination
- Representation of women in audiovisual content
- Bias in recognition apps and generative AI
The panel will pay special attention to the construction of toxic masculinity, examining its impact among women and men, while referencing the ‘Box of Masculinity’ report. It will delve deeper into media framing techniques, particularly examining how both male and female streamers shape perceptions, opinions, or attitudes on women’s reality to perpetuate toxic masculinity. It will also explore alternative frames that challenge the established frames employed to convey traditional masculinity, offering an expansive interpretation of the reality and experiences of women, gender roles, and feminism.
Panel 4: Surveillance & online disinformation
Keynote speaker: Maria Lozano Alia, Cybercrime Senior Consultant, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Moderator: Pilar Rodriguez, University of Deusto
- Digital surveillance, cyberbullying, and gender disinformation
- Hate speech, online misogyny, and violence against women
- Algorithmic gender bias
- Radicalization, ideological bubbles, and polarization through platforms
This panel focuses on the pervasive issues of online gender disinformation and hate speech, with a specific emphasis on digital surveillance, cyberbullying, online misogyny, online violence against women, algorithmic gender bias, and the role of online platforms in radicalization and ideological polarization. The panel brings together specialized scholars to discuss and address these critical challenges, providing a stage for sharing research and best practices to counter online gender disinformation and hate speech. The moderator will delve into the various dimensions of gender disinformation, online misogyny, and algorithmic gender bias, including their impact on democracy and equality and the role of digital platforms and unfair digital welfare systems.
Panel 5: Data Literacy
Keynote speaker: Guiomar Rovira Sancho
- Moderator: María Jesús Pando, University of DeustoData literacy and skills
- Opportunities for advancement in tech
- Collaboration opportunites
Data literacy is a crucial skill for activism, as it empowers individuals to turn data into actionable insights and drive meaningful change. Several key aspects of data literacy include: The ability to understand and interpret data, including recognizing trends, patterns, and outliers within data sets; the capacity to effectively convey data-driven insights and effective reporting; the skill to approach data with a critical mindset, asking questions, evaluating data, and making informed decisions based on evidence, and the importance of collaboration, data security, and ethical data practices within organizations.