Registration & Modalities
To participate as an ATTENDEE:
If you are a student in any of the graduate or postgraduate program at University of Deusto, you can register and participate for free as longs as you are enrolled in any of the Deusto courses at the time of the congress. Any PWILL members with a scholarship can also attend the congress and the dinner free of charge. See the different options to register:
Conference (participants not from Deusto or PWILL): 100€ –> Register here
Conference + dinner (participants not from Deusto or PWILL): 150€ –> Register here
Conference (participants from Deusto): 80€ –> Register here
Conference + dinner (participants from Deusto): 130€ –> Register here
Scholarship holders (participants from PWILL): Free –> Register here
Scholarship holders + dinner (participants from PWILL): Free –> Register here
Scholarship holders (graduate and postgraduate students from Deusto): Free –> Register here
Scholarship holders + dinner (graduate and postgraduate students from Deusto): 50€ –> Register here
Dinner is a 3-course fine dining experience hold at Labe, Tabakalera, Andre zigarrogileak plaza, 1 – 5th floor, 20012 Donostia-San Sebastián.
If you have any inquiries, write to antifeminstresistances@gmail.com stating in the subject which of the different options you refer to.
Deadlines: You can register from February 1 until May 22, 2024.
To participate as a PANEL MEMBER:
Send your abstract to antifeminstresistances@gmail.com stating in the subject the panel you are interested in.
To facilitate dialogues across disciplines, we welcome papers from interdisciplinary teams, including disciplines incorporating aspects of data science, engineering, political sociology, linguistics, critical data studies, feminist studies, social movement, and science and technology studies. The conference concerns in/equalities, discrimination, questions of justice, rights and freedoms, and agency and resistance.
- While we welcome papers of all kinds, please note that this conference focuses on critical questions about women, power, and technology.
- Please submit a 300-350 word abstract and a brief list of references in English and Spanish to antifeminstresistances@gmail.com,stating the panel number in the subject.
- Deadlines: We accept abstracts from February 1 until May 22, 2024
With Tirant lo Blanch, you must be registered at the congress and send your abstract to antifeminstresistances@gmail.com, stating in the subject “Publication Proposal.” If you are interested in both participating in a panel and publishing your paper, say so in the message.
Tirant lo Blanch is positioned by the Spanish Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC) as the most prestigious academic publisher.
See the instructions and deadlines:
- Submission of abstracts: From February 1 to May 22, 2024
- Announcement of the selected papers for publication and posters: June 3, 2024
- Congress: June 17-18-19, 2024
- Submission of final paper: From November 2024
- Publication: December, 2024-January, 2025
To publish a POSTER:
You must be registered at the congress and send your proposal to antifeminstresistances@gmail.com, stating “Poster” in the subject. If you are interested in both participating in a panel and publishing a poster, say so in the message.
The deadline for submitting the Poster is June 1, 2024.
Announcement of the selected Poster: June 5, 2024